Ampleforth United Charities

The Ampleforth United Charities originated in the 18th and 19th Centuries to “create income for the relief of persons resident in the Parishes of Ampleforth and Oswaldkirk who are in condition of need, hardship or distress, either in gifts kind or grant of money”. The Charity owns the area of land behind the telephone box in the centre of the village, which provides income from use as allotments and parking.

Grants made by the Trustees may be to individuals or organisations. In the past, grants have been made to the Primary Schools, for use at the discretion of the head teacher to assist students with the cost of education/residential activities, to the Playgroup, the Youth Church and similar organisations. Village events such as the Jubilee celebrations have also been supported.

If you or your organisation feel you have a suitable charitable purpose in need of support, please contact Simon Read on 01439 788737.